Our Strengths

  • Serving students for the past 2 decades. Have an early starter’s advantage.
  • One of the better known entities in India for guidance of young students in an unbiased fashion looking at their best interests and research inclinations.
  • Has been a full member of the Trusted Partner scheme of British High Commission for student visas when the scheme existed, showing an all-India presence and quality.
  • High quality of student counselors and coordinators with most senior coordinators having trained in the UK.
  • The background  and authenticity of having run the India Office of a UK University has tremendous advantages in terms of high quality unbiased services, understanding the Indian education system and how the UK / other foreign Universities operate and their aspirations.
  • Strong in-house collaboration team thereby ensuring very strong relationships with the Indian Higher Education institutions of repute. Have an early starter’s advantage. 
  • Experience in setting up international student exchange / progression arrangements which is the future of internationalization of education and will widen participation in the Indian education scenario.
  • Extremely high potential to cater to other education hubs overseas e.g. Canada, Singapore, Germany, Australia and New Zealand.  The applications process is similar in most international education routes.