
  1. 1st Engineering Foundation program for a UK university in India set up in Delhi.
  2. Tie up with Faculty of Innovative Technology Transfer (FITT) of IIT- Delhi for teaching in Engineering foundation.
  3. Tie up with Centre for Continuing Education (IIT Powai) for teaching in Engineering Foundation Program in Mumbai.
  4. Foundation Program listed with the British Council as the 1st Foundation Course between India and the UK in Western India.
  5. Commendation for Most Successful Overseas representative office in the world for consecutive 5 years for University of Sussex. Sussex India became the member of the Policy making Committee of University of Sussex.
  6. MOU signed with Vellore Institute of Technology University (VITU). Commendation from the Vice Chancellor for sterling performance.
  7. MOU signed with Tata Institute of Social Science. Setting up of high profile Alumni society in Delhi and Mumbai. UKIERI Award to Sussex with IIM – Bangalore. Prestigious universities like University of Southampton, Sheffields, Leicester, Strathclyde added into the portfolio of Sussex India.
  8. Founder of Sussex India was honoured as the Model Representative at International Agents’ Conference at University of Sussex. Setting up of high profile Alumni society in Chennai & Kolkata. Special contract for promotional activities in India to Mr. Kaushik Mitra which is a first of its kind in India. MOU signed with Tata Institute of Social Science.
  9. Organized the 50th anniversary celebrations for University of Sussex with the British High Commission in Delhi. Special Advisory Board member of Times of India Overseas Magazine. Successful bids and research grants with Symbiosis International University (Law). Participated in Senior Management planning for South Asia Policy leading to recruitment till 2020.
  10. Best Overseas Counselling Organisation Award - "Times Business Awards"
  11. Best Overseas Counselling Organisation Award - "Times Business Awards"